iDream Success Stories

In less than one year since its founding, iDream – The Mac Give Back Project has donated computers throughout the Davis community and across the globe as far as Costa Rica. Here are some of the incredible testimonials we’ve received from past recipients:

Maria, Otilio and Alejandra

Maria Receives Windows ComputeR & Continues CTC Learning

Maria, Otilio and Alejandra, California

Virginia and Javier

GED student receives Macbook to continue studies

Virginia and Javier, California

Erika and Camilla

58th Recipient of the year receives Macbook

Erika and Camilla, California


100th Recipient Receives imac to complete GED

Griselda H., Woodland, CA


Local Middle school recipient receives macbook to help with studies in mathematics

Perla, Anahí and Jimena, Woodland CA

State University of Paraná

Idream partners with fulbright fellow to expand donations in Brazil

State University of Paraná, Brazil


Local Woodland student receives macbook and prepares to take ged

Hecter S., Woodland CA


Local resident receives new macbook to help her continue her education

Laura P., Davis CA


Samaritan John helps Rosalina setup her new macbook

Rosalina S., Yolo County CA


Yi Che gifts Idream ipad mini to director of elementary school in yunnan province

Yunnan Province, China


idream representative, Yi Che, visits elementary school in Yunnan province

Yunnan Province, China


Diego and Daniel set up their school folders on new family computer

Chavez Family, Woodland CA


Leader of Cameron Park Puppy Group for Guide Dogs for the Blind receives new macbook

Kim B., Cameron Park CA


Idream samaritans prepare Macbook for Gregorio, local resident preparing for the GED

Gregorio, Winters CA


HIgh School senior Prepares to Study computer science at UC school With new Mac

Gisel, Javier and Claudia, Woodland CA


“I’ve been using a friends laptop to take an online course in basic computer skills to achieve my goals at work, but sometimes she is busy using it at school. With my own laptop i will now be able to achieve my goal.”

Ana and Alexander, Yolo County CA

Lucas M Woodland CA

I Dream for Your Dream

Lucas M., Woodland CA


A picture worth a thousand words

King V., Yolo County CA

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“I love my New Computer So much”

Bella Torres, Antelope CA


“This is the best computer in the world!”

Stefania Corrales, Universidad de Costa Rica


“Thank you for your Generous donation, Terry!”

Peregrine School, Davis CA


The Youngest IDream RecipienT learns colors and letters on an idream ipad.

Oliver & Hannah, Davis CA

Inside Thank You

Thank You

Peregrine School, Davis CA

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“Thank you agrain for your generous gift.”

Davis, CA